Safe Place
We create a safe place where leaders from various backgrounds can be honest, collaborate and find biblical win-win solutions on problems facing our society.
We provide a platform to stand against the antichrist spirit which causes divisions, chaos, and confusion.
Harmonious Voice
Presenting a harmonious voice of truth and grace speaking to today’s social issues with the heart of the gospel.
Why We Exist...
The Jesus Party exists to promote gospel maturity, unity, and diversity in the body of Christ through education, arts, and community services.
We are a collective of Christian authors, and thinkers speaking on issues that affect our faith.
The issues that made us start this organization were: 1) Social, economic, and political turmoil rooted in our broken society without God 2) Division within the body of Christ along racial, political, and cultural difference 3) The ineffectiveness of the church in exemplifying the gospel in our broken society.
Through Christ-centered educational programs, arts, and community services we help reconcile the family, church, and our nation back to God’s original intent for humanity as a shining example of the Kingdom of God.

Ready to find out more?
We're looking for talented volunteer writers, editors, and producers who have the heart to illuminate Christ in the midst of political darkness. Please contact us if you would like to become a part of our team.